Who Am I?
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Physics, California Institute of Technology, 2020
Thesis: Quantum Mechanical Vistas on the Road to Quantum Gravity
Advisor: Prof. Sean Carroll - Masters of Science (MS) in Physics, California Institute of Technology, 2018
- Integrated Masters of Science (IMSc) in Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, 2015
My Academic Genealogy
My Ph.D. advisor was Sean Carroll, whose advisor was George Field, whose advisor was Lyman Spitzer, whose advisor was Henry Norris Russell, whose advisor was Charles Augustus Young. As far as we know, Young never actually received the Ph.D., so the line stops there. Famous academic relatives include cousin Bob Kirshner (whose advisor was Bev Oke, whose advisor was Spitzer) and grand-uncle Harlow Shapley (whose advisor was Russell).
My Academic Collaborators
I have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with some very interesting, talented and enthusiastic collaborators, listed here in alphabetical order (by last name):
- Ning Bao
- ChunJun (Charles) Cao
- Sean Carroll
- Aidan Chatwin-Davies
- Arnab Dhani
- Olivier Doré
- Torsten Ensslin
- Oliver Friedrich
- Joseph Hennawi
- Oleg Kabernik
- Kedarsh Kaushik
- Himanshu Khanchandani
- Jose Oñorbe
- Aditya Pandey
- Binoy Krishna Patra
- Jason Pollack
- Kevin Setter
- Prateek Sharma